Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pool Days of Summer

Summer Days always seem to give life back to your soul. Long hot days of fun. No agenda, just sitting back and enjoying the little things. Everything seems better in the summer. We have found a second home at the swimming pool already! Avery can't get enough time at the pool. He proves to be more like me each day! We have enjoyed family time poolside in our neighborhood. It has been fun to get in the water with both boys. Reed loves to sit back and relax in the pool. His laid back personality shines through no matter where he is or what he is doing.

Reed Morgan trying out his float. He loved being in the water.

Avery's first time back in the pool since last summer. He wanted to do it by himself. He was so proud. I love that smile on his face. Mr. Independent these days!  
He took a good hour nap like this! Bless!

These guys know how to have fun together!

Pool Parties have been another favorite this summer. This is mainly because I am trying to get comfortable taking two little guys to the big pool by myself. While I work on that confidence, we are enjoying our pool parties here at our house. However, I feel like by the time I haul everything out, blow up the pools, fill them with water, get out the toys and get the boys ready, it probably would have been easier to just go to the big pool!
Our first visitors for a pool party! Addyson and her little sister, Annsley!

i just love this picture! They are so cute!
The water was so cold in this picture! Reed Morgan had to warm up to the idea, literally! 
Bentley came over for a pool party too! I think everyone that drove by thought we were having a yard sale because we had so much stuff in the driveway!
 My grandmother, RuRu, let my cousin and me have a pool party one year at her house. We went to Wal-Mart with my grandfather, Jimp, and got all the supplies for a pool party! We walked out of that store with a pool, pool toys, slip and slide, sun screen and whatever else our hearts desired. Once we made it back, we then had to set everything up! RuRu and Jimp were of course the ones that had to get it all ready for us and then put on a gallon of sunscreen on each of us. Of course while they were busy getting everything ready, I had gotten the little girl across the street tangled into coming to our pool party too! My motto has always been the more the merrier! :) We hadn't gotten the party started for more than 20 minutes when it all started to crumble. Stephie, the neighbor, was crying because she had grass all over her. My cousin wanted to go in and on her way into the house, stepped on a huge carpet staple. (My grandparent's had just had the carpet replaced in their house that week.) I was the only one still in the pool and was quite frankly enjoying myself. RuRu was trying to get Stephie's dad back to get her, stop my cousin's foot from bleeding and get me out of the pool, which I of course, was crying about because by golly we had just started this pool party! At that point, my grandmother announced, "There will be NO more pool parties!" And guess what there wasn't. We never had a pool party again on Lee Drive.

And now decades later while trying to entertain my boys and drag everything out to make it a fun pool party, I can't help but remember that time at my grandparent's house and now I understand why there were no more pool parties!

1 comment:

  1. I love that RuRu story!!! I can see that happening with my grandparents!
